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Gardening & Sensory Development of Kids


While gardening with children may be enjoyable, instructive, and relaxing, did you know that it also has sensory benefits? Whether your child struggles with sensory processing or not, sensory play benefits all children. Children learn about their surroundings through their senses from infancy. Sensory experiences assist kids in making connections and making sense of the world around them as they grow and develop.

Garden play is beneficial for child growth and health regardless of one's background, attitude, or experience. By participating in activities ranging from seed planting to fruit harvesting, children's senses such as sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound are developed, as is their connection to nature, which is diminishing daily for urban children.

SIGHT: Children can see everything that grows in the garden, but they can also analyze everything with their eyes. Encourage children to select vegetables like tomatoes, brinjal and dissect them to get a better look. Collect bugs and feed them some leaves in a Mason jar. Play "I Spy" with them to discover how many new objects they can see in the outdoor environment.

SMELL: The garden's scent is mesmerizing! Consider smelling herbs, fresh tomatoes to determine how they vary from one another, or even smelling different hues of the same bloom and discussing what you discover.

TASTE: There is no doubt that picking fresh tomatoes, Spinach, or Radishes from the garden to eat is the most potent kind of garden activity. Herb leaves can make for an enjoyable tasting project. Select a few different types of herbs and challenge children to identify them only based on their flavor. Prepare for some amusing expressions when common herbs like mint & basil are chomped.

TOUCH: Who doesn't enjoy playing in the mud? Allow your children to play in the mud and get filthy while growing their favorite vegetables. Allow children to feel and touch the various textures of plants, leaves, flowers, and fruits. and share their findings.

SOUND: Inquire of children what noises they hear in the garden. Is there flowing water, bees buzzing, or birds chirping? How many distinct elements comprise the musical score playing in the background? Instruct children to replicate the noises and locate the source.

Now Let’s talk about the Benefits of Sensory development

  • Sensory gardens are beneficial for physical fitness, health, mood, and cognition.

  • Children improve gross and fine motor abilities via gardening and plant care.

  • Sensory gardens provide a plethora of therapeutic advantages.

  • They assist youngsters in acquiring critical life skills such as emotional control and self-reliance.

  • Sensory gardens are especially useful for children who have difficulties with sensory processing, such as autism or other impairments.

Final Words

Everyone benefits from time spent outdoors. It's a straightforward method for increasing your kid's happiness. When these perks are paired with the benefits of regular physical activity and the development of a sense of purpose, gardening has been shown to dramatically improve the Sensory Development of Kids.

Growing your own vegetables is not only good for your health, it is also fun and therapeutic. Connect with nature just by spending 15 minutes a day of your time. Learn to grow with Invitegreens.



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