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Growing Beetroots, from Sowing to Harvest

It's simple to grow beets in containers. This vigorously growing vegetable requires little maintenance and is ideal for beginning container gardeners. Beets are a fast-growing crop, and if you've grown other root vegetables in containers before, such as radishes or carrots, growing beets in containers is similar.

Choosing a container

  • Utilize any container that has SUFFICIENT drainage holes that you want. Clay pots, on the other hand, are a wonderful alternative.

  • Beets can be grown in tiny containers, but they must be at least 8 inches deep.

  • 10 to 12 inch deep pots are PERFECT since they promote root development!

  • You may select whatever container width you like. The broader it is, the more beet plants may be grown nearby.

  • Window boxes and big rectangular containers with the specified minimum depth are excellent choices.

Beets in Containers: How to Grow Them

To begin, beets do not want to be transplanted, therefore seed trays are unnecessary! Choose appropriate containers and plant seedlings 1/4 inch deep. Once they have germinated and grown to a reasonable height, choose the healthiest seedlings and thin the others to maintain the required 3-inch spacing.

Requirements for Container-Grown Beets


Beets may be planted in full sun to partial shade, but for optimal development, choose a location that receives full sun, or at least six hours of sunshine every day. Additionally, ensure that the location of your containers has enough air circulation.


It is Loamy, permeable soil that encourages the formation of big roots is ideal for growing beets in a container. Assure that your soil is nutrient-dense; you may increase it by adding compost and other organic debris. Additionally, when cultivating this root vegetable, avoid adding gravel or stones to the bottom layer.


Water often and evenly if you don't want hard, sinewy beetroots. To maintain a constant moisture level in the soil. Ensure that you do not let the soil fully dry out between growth stages and that you also avoid OVERWATERING.


Maintain a three-inch space between each plant in all directions to effectively grow beets in pots. If you're growing it for excellent beet greens, you may space each plant 2 inches apart, but this will impede the growth of beetroots. To give you an idea, a 12-inch wide rectangle container can hold around 4-5 plants.


Bear in mind that the optimal temperature range for growing beets in containers is between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (10 and 29 degrees Celsius), but it can be grown successfully at temperatures as low as 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.5 degrees Celsius) and as high as 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius).

When is the Best Time to Plant Beets in Containers?

As a best practice, begin planting beets in the spring, three to two weeks before your area's last (average) frost date. Continue sowing seeds every three to four weeks until the temperature rises over 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 C)

When Will They Make Their Appearance?

Seedlings will sprout between 5 and 15 days after planting, depending on the growth circumstances. Until then, maintain the pots in a warm, sunny location.

Preserve the soil's moisture content. Once germinated, but the young plants in the appropriate location and thin them later when they reach a height of 3 inches. To adhere to the recommended spacing guidelines outlined below.

Final Words

Beets take an average of 6-9 weeks to mature the following germination. Additionally, you may pick beet greens for salads; the delicate leaves are delectable. When the leaves are a few inches long, you may begin collecting greens by removing only the outer leaves and letting the tiny inside foliage develop for later harvest.

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